Tabitha Gets A D.A.D.

A twenty two year old young woman named Tabitha Martin is overwhelmed with all aspects of life on her ownmakes the desperate decision to get a Domestic Automaton Disciplinarian (D.A.D.) and give it control of her life.

She makes the decision to look for help online, then visits a provider of all types of Domestic Androids. With some trepidation, but also with resolve, Tabitha makes the purchase, putting her freedom up as collateral.

The die was now cast. Two days later, a tech comes and installs the charging station and puts the D.A.D. on to begin charging, giving her instructions to activate him after 8 hours. He is already preprogrammed with the conditions set forth in the contract she signed at Genesis Biotech.
He also installs a rack of disciplinary implements, which causes Tabitha to clench her bottom cheeks involuntarily.

After activating her new D.A.D., "he" immediately takes charge and upon seeing the state of her apartment, takes decisive action.
He leads Tabitha into her bedroom by the ear and baring her bottom, spanks her.

D.A.D. being built with an arm made of a new material, Spankolium which works like Lexan giving a hard sting but is pliable like human skin gives Tabitha a very thorough first spanking. The first of many we can be sure since Rome was not built in a day. Once back on her feet, and clutching her burning bottom, D.A.D. orders her to remove her "slutty outfit" and clean up the apartment, starting with her room. She is told that she is grounded and on clothing restriction until the whole apartment is spotless.
This will take some time, she realizes forlornly. That's what she signed up for though, and it is too late to back out now.

Her new life of having a Domestic Automaton Disciplinarian (D.A.D.) has just begun.